Vilnius Album. 20 Essays and 150 Images for Vilnius
Vilnius Album is a publication that continues in the tradition of ‘Vilnian Albums,’ born in the 19th century. It is a textual and visual story about the capital of Lithuania as a living organism that changes throughout the ages, and, particularly, about the city’s residents, who have been creating the city’s image since ancient times. The voices talking about Vilnius citizens and various aspects of life in Vilnius are those of writer and art historian Kristina Sabaliauskaitė, historians Darius Baronas, Povilas Andrius Stepavičius and Judita Šiaučiūnaitė-Verbickienė, bioarchaeologist Justina Kozakaitė, cultural geographer Laimonas Briedis, art historian Giedrė Jankevičiūtė, artist Esther Shalev-Gerz, priest Julius Sasnauskas OFM, Polish and Lithuanian language and literature specialist Małgorzata Kasner, architectural historian Marija Drėmaitė, art critics Agnė Narušytė and Ernestas Parulskis, cultural and political researcher Eglė Rindzevičiūtė, historian and writer Tomas Vaiseta, curators Anders Kreuger and Raimundas Malašauskas, urban anthropologist Felix Ackermann and his daughter Klara Ackermann, and sociolinguist Loreta Vaicekauskienė.
This publication tells
stories about sacred paintings that create the holy aura of Vilnius, about real
and imaginary city maps, about artists who created in Vilnius and depicted
Vilnius, about the Jewish face of the city, about famous and little-known
people who lived in Vilnius, about many different angles that make up the
multifaceted face Vilnius. Personal and original texts channelling love for the
city intertwine with images – artworks from the collections of the Lithuanian
National Museum of Art and other Lithuanian museums, – opening up new ways of
seeing Vilnius. 20 essays and 150 images comprise a historical, artistic and
literary map of Vilnius, whose texts and images guide the reader through time
and space, where Vilnius reveals itself from angles never seen before.
Editors: Algė
Andriulytė, Rasa Antanavičiūtė, Arūnas Gelūnas, Giedrė Mickūnaitė
Text Authors: Kristina
Sabaliauskaitė, Darius Baronas, Sigita Maslauskaitė-Mažylienė, Justina
Kozakaitė, Laimonas Briedis, Jurgita Šiaučiūnaitė-Verbickienė, Giedrė
Jankevičiūtė, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Julius Sasnauskas OFM, Małgorzata Kasner,
Marija Drėmaitė, Agnė Narušytė, Eglė Rindzevičiūtė, Tomas Vaiseta, Anders
Kreuger, Povilas Andrius Stepavičius, Raimundas Malašauskas, Klara Ackermann,
Felix Ackermann, Loreta Vaicekauskienė, Ernestas Parulskis
by Raminta Bumbulytė
Editor Erika Lastovskytė
Jonė Miškinytė
by the Lithuanian National Museum of Art, 2024
316 pages
Copies 500
15x29.5 cm
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